The Artisan Group

Gifting Christina Hendricks!

Several months ago, I was delighted and honored to be accepted as a new member of The Artisan Group, an exclusive group of artists and crafters who get amazing opportunities to gift their (our) work to celebrities and members of the press. The group does lots of gift lounges at major award shows, but I haven't had the budget to participate in those yet. Someday, I hope! Recently, though, there have been lots of opportunities to contribute to gift bags that go directly to celebrities. I entered the lotteries for a few of these a few weeks back, and I scored a spot in the gift bag for Christina Hendricks, star of Mad Men! It was a tough decision, but I ultimately settled on 4 prints: Heron SilhouettePeacock's PerchCrossing Over, and Magenta Magnolia. Here's how it all turned out:

My package is on its way to Calfornia. I don't know what to expect, but I have my fingers crossed that she likes the gifts! :)