Clark/Gray | Family Photos in Ocean Springs

Since Eden is growing up and not at Children’s House anymore, I was even more glad this year to hang out with her (and her parents! ;)) during our annual family portrait session in the woods! :)

Family Photos in the woods at Gulf Islands National Seashore in Ocean Springs

We switched up locations this year, but luckily Gulf Islands National Seashore offers some climbing opportunities, too!

six-year-old girl climbing on live oak branches and playing in the woods with Mom and Dad

Paul the Walrus joined us for a few shots. :)

little girl holding Beanie Baby walrus Paul in outdoor family photos with parents

There was so much exploring to do!

candid family photos exploring in the woods on the Mississippi Gulf Coast

We took a little walk to the boat launch…

little girl playing at Gulf Islands National Seashore park in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

…and enjoyed the last bit of evening light by the water.

Ocean Springs family portraits at boat launch at Gulf Islands National Seashore Park

What great way to end my portrait work for 2023—see you all next year! :)