This Time Last Year: July 2020

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Time for another installment of “This Time Last Year.” This rocket became a favorite toy. We started calling Jonas Rocket Man because of how much he loved it, and that Elton John song remains a constant in his lullaby rotation.a year later. ;)

kids playing with rocket launcher toy with

Smoke bombs in the backyard to celebrate the 4th.

colorful smoke bomb fireworks

This splash pad provided hours of summertime fun (until it sprung a leak.)

kids playing on backyard splash pad

We enjoyed picnics at Gulf Islands National Seashore.

family outing at Gulf Islands National Seashore in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

A visit from Memaw and Popaw!

kids playing with grandmother at home

Afton enjoyed her first quilt-making experience…

little girl making quilt with grandmother

…and baking, for an early birthday celebration.

grandmother and granddaughter making cupcakes together

Somehow Popaw managed to elude the camera!

family playing outside in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Obviously our typical summer travels didn’t happen in 2020, but we actually did leave town, so that adventure will get its own post. :)

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