second thoughts

Obviously, this daily blogging thing isn't going very well. The end of Spring Break was very busy and hectic (and fun!) and I just couldn't make time. This is probably my least successful Lenten commitment ever, and I've been observing the season since about 4th grade, I think. :/ I think I didn't really think this one through. Giving up something works well because you don't have to put a lot of mental energy into avoiding it each can be meaningful without you having to go out of your way to think consciously about how meaningful it is every time you do it, or, you know, don't do it. But blogging is something that is not meaningful in and of itself. It's only meaningful if I write something meaningful, that I spend time thinking about. And apparently spending time thinking and writing about something meaningful every day in the midst of my stressful life was a bit of a tall order. I really don't want to write more "just because I have to" entries, because that kind of defeats the purpose, but I don't want to give up on this either. What a conundrum. I guess I'll just keep trying.