baby shower

Baby Shower Fun

I can't believe I am already 32 weeks pregnant! We've been hard at work preparing for Baby Girl, but there is still so much to do! I am blessed to be surrounded by supportive people who have made the preparations easier. My local friends even had a baby shower for me! 

I have to confess: I almost wasn't going to post these photos on my blog because they aren't "up to par." It's hard to photograph an event when you're the guest of honor! I had a grand plan for getting a group shot with my tripod but forgot to switch lenses on my 6D and showed up with a macro lens! I blame pregnancy brain. ;)

But they say the best camera is the one you have with you, right? So if that's an iPhone and my mom's point-and-shoot, so be it. I am happy to have these imperfect images of a lovely and sweet event! 

pink baby shower cake and decor (girl)

Lucy's house was so beautifully decked out in pink. I loved the paper flowers and this gorgeous cake my friend Emily made! 

girly baby shower collage

I was showered with so many generous gifts, including lots of adorable clothes worthy of all the oohs and ahhs. :)

opening presents at baby shower

I feel so loved by all these lovely ladies! Thank you all! :)

baby shower group photo