FMS Photo a Day 2015, Week 44

I'm back with another week of Photo a Day--my last one for a while. I made it to the end of the alphabet, and I used the DSLR for all 26 letters (and two numbers)!

October 26, 2015: V is for... Vase. We have pink camellias blooming in the yard right now, but I wanted something a little more autumnal, so I found some discolored fern leaves to put in the vase instead.

still life photo, leaves in vase

October 27, 2015: W is for... Water.  I captured these droplets post-shower/pre-squeegee. :)

water droplets on glass shower door

October 28, 2015: X is for... X. Being fresh out of both X-rays and xylophones, I couldn't come up with an X word to photograph, so I ended up with just the letter. (P.S. I love Bananagrams!)

Banangrams game tiles, letter X

October 29, 2015: Y is for... Yarn. Two of these blankets were made especially for Afton. The one on the far left is from my childhood, but neither my mom nor I remembers who made it!

pastel baby blankets made of yarn (kitting, crochet)

October 30, 2015: Z is for... Zipper. These are my favorite jeans, in theory. They don't come anywhere close to fitting my post-baby body, but I'm holding out hope that I'll be able to wear them again eventually.

Lucky Brand denim blue jeans zipper

October 30, 2015: One. That's the number of oranges on our orange tree this year.

orange fruit on tree

November 1, 2015: Two. That's how many trick-or-treaters we had last night due to rain. These sets of two pieces of candy are just a small portion of our leftovers.

pieces of Halloween candy in pairs

That's it! I'm going back to work this week after three months of maternity leave, so I won't be participating in Photo a Day for the foreseeable future. I have some adjusting to do! Playing along with this project really helped me enjoy my time off. Of course being with my sweet baby girl so much has been wonderful, but there has also been some dull same-old-same-old involved, and my brain needed a little stimulation. Having a task each day that was not the same as that of the day before helped me to be present and appreciate each day instead of letting them all run together into a blur. I am thankful for the time I've had off work and for Photo a Day for helping me enjoy it even more. I am thankful that I get to return to a job I love. (Actually, two jobs--I'm returning to both psychology and wedding photography this month!) I am thankful for a healthy, happy baby girl who I know will adjust just fine to our new normal. I am one blessed photographer/therapist/mom. :)