August Photo A Day, Days 12-17

Another week of Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day has come and gone! Here's what happened with me and my camera (and, ok, my phone) this week. The prompt for day 12 was "macro." I photographed the hydrangeas in our backyard. I've taken lots of pictures of these but never edited them quite like this, and I think I like it.

Day 13's prompt was "fast." I was thinking all day about how to capture something moving fast, but then my husband mentioned needing to get the piano tuned, and it gave me this idea. This music moves fast!

Day 14,'s prompt was "trash." I couldn't bring myself to photograph the stuff in the trash can, so I went with the outside of it. I had never realized what cool reflections happen on stainless steel!

The prompt for day 15 was "the best." My birthday was the 14th, and it was a good one! I got lots of love from family, friends, and co-workers. They really are the best!

Day 16's prompt was "cooking." We actually went out to eat, so there was no home cooking for me to photograph. So, how about some cookbooks? I am embarrassed to say that there are a couple of these that I have never used. I need to fix that soon!

Day 17 was an inspiring one for me, too. The prompt was "exercise." Exercise is normally an important part of my life, but I have been bad this summer. Travels, visitors, and lots of rain got me out of the habit, and I had not done much exercise recently. No more! After I struck this forward fold pose for the photo and realized it hurt, I decided something had to be done. So I did a great Pilates workout and am wonderfully sore today. I'm back in the habit. :)